@forfeitsdeposit's timeline on Twitter
Me to myself: Try to be funny on twitter (Thinks hard come up with funny tweet) Me to myself: Fuck you guys. I'm not a tap dancing monkey.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
1/10th of a second: Time lapsed between me thinking today wasn't too bad, comparatively, & me spilling a drink down the front of me.
#gsoav -
Life doesn't get easier.....you just learn not to give a fuck about the fucked up things.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
My tweets are severely under-appreciated. -every single person on TwitterRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
It's still bullshit the Supreme Court hasn't overruled men not being able to wear sundresses when it's this hot out.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
What some of you people do with a punchline is like Marcy setting up Charlie Brown with the football, but both of them get eaten by a Rhino.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I'm all for social change. Let's create a new Underground Railroad to freedom. Except can it be a plane? To Hawaii? And can I be on it?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Oh? Be kind to hatred and misguided people???? YES. They need it.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Think what I need to say is Be Kind. It really is needed. Be kind.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Or..oh..I'll bring this person DOWN. What makes you the better person? What indeed.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Oh. Like you'll change someone by showering them with attention? Really?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Sometimes it's nice to ignore people. When their mistakes trend on net, it just brings them more unwarranted attention. Paula comes to mind.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I'll be signing books tomorrow at Barnes & Noble. I didn't write them. Just practicing my cursive.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
explain caterpillars explain your faceRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Today is the last day of the rest of your life if you start at the end and count backwards.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I'm single because monogamy. It's not my thing.Nobody's asked to be monogamous with me but whatever.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
penises from heaven is the way horny angels say hello.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Best decision I ever made was to let myself be happy as often as possible, over as little as possible. Made all the difference.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I finally have more followers than I follow. This Elite shit is AWESOME!Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I've been playing hide-n-seek with myself all day, but have yet to find me. Now I'm concerned I may have left without saying anything. Shit.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Got some time off. Told myself I will not be glued to twitter. Slept in late and here I am.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Third time's a charm. Third visit to the psych ward, you level right off.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
If you get me sick you must massage my feet, make me cupcakes and organise little people unicorn jousting. I don't make the rules. Ok I do.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I keep see Tweeps I'm sure I didn't follo,I remember: 1 Avi can change B My memory bad iii Need2change water in fish tank d No fish tankRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Lets see 16+8 carry the 1...nope still equals bitchface buttgobbler, move alongRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Sorry, joining this website doesn't automatically make you a princess but here's a balloon.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
It's unfair that in near future hasn't invented the time travel & my future self can't send me help.~Random thoughts in front of ATM machineRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Just found a boat load of fucks. Buzz me if you're a little short.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Popular people need to remember that their popularity is determined by how much unpopular people like them.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Crazy guy at work just asked himself if he's alright...Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
All of Helen Hunt's roles require extensive nudity because Tom Hanks is still mad at her for not waiting when he was stuck on that island.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
If a tornado ever goes thru a KFC, I'm calling dibs on a "Wind Beneath My Wings" tweet.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
When people see me out and about they always ask "shit the bed?" What does that even mean?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I'm known to contaminate crime scenes oafishly trudging through looking for my torn panties.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Only you can write your future.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
"I told the producers I wanted to work with Don Rickles." ~KITT, the Knight Rider car (from its autobiography)
#ftwot -
He was so proud (& shocked) seeing moody caterpillar daughter grow into beautiful Goth moth. "I can't believe she's not butterfly."
#ftwot -
~ They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." ~Andy Warhol ♥Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
When dogs bark at fire engines, I pretend they have TV talking heads & are discussing politics while getting upset at today's news.
#ftwot -
Watching these 5k runners reach the finish line is inspiring. I think I'd like to watch more stuff like this.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Meanwhile, on Facebook someone is tagging me in unflattering pictures.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
At tweet-ups the MC should mention all people like the movie reviewers do - name first then username in a lower tone suggesting parentheses.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Haven't lost my temper at the office all month. Granted, I was out on vacation for 2 weeks, but still.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Turns out I have a really cute neighbor who just waved at me. This changes everything.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
This tweet tips cows 20 percent. If it's a cutie pie, 25.
#tbot -
I’m not exactly sure what it is they all see, but the funhouse mirrors sure seem to be freaking out at me. Seriously.
#tbot -
Me & my car suck great as a team. It picks the stupid lanes. I pick the stupid lines. And it’s stupid people with the assist.
#tbot -
I asked Bob how many roads must a man walk down to no longer see freaky answers being blown up into trees. He said, “Infinity +/- 3.”
#tbot -
No matter what you do, you haven't truly made it until a government helicopter lands on your lawn and they need your expertise immediately.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Images of royal granny panties interrupted my counting of sheep last night. # LondonOlympics # TVreruns # somethingicannotunremember
#tbot -
According to my math, the bath just ruined my graph paper & filled up my rubber ducky’s butt with soapy bubbles. Now he won’t squeak.
#tbot -
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. - Vincent van Gogh ♥Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
If the rain dance really worked, then why is that roof guy with the Cher feather still pretending he's not peeing on us.
#tbot -
If we were monkeys w/ handfuls of poo, imagine what that kind of power could do. World zookeepers would count to 3 & we'd throw at 2
#tbot -
I stayed up for this? This is ALL late-night twitter hasta offer?? Falls over on bed. Fine. Just get it over with.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Take a deep breath.. we're all in this together.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I unfollowed you because you're kind of a meanie and now I feel bad because maybe something bad happened to you and you just need some love.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
~If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it. ~Toni Morrison ♥Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
What if you didn't even know it wasn't cool to listen to that music you like?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Try to be the kind of person you want in your life.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
When someone asks me how is my life,I answer "fine" I wanna say"messy like whore house"but the brothels are organized companies with profitsRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Nothing quite says I love you like listening to your five year old son do a ten minute kazoo solo and then applauding when he is done.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
America: "This is for all the lonely people, Thinking that life has passed them by." Thanks for following me.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
So much beaming confidence in tweets to let everyone know that we're secure & confident. We wouldn't want people to think otherwise.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I don't hang around for those accounts that want to verify me before a follow. My Dr. let's me in and he's had his finger in my butt.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
The occupational therapy doesn't work in all cases.Sometimes is so pointless than the discussions between Donald Trump & his hairdresser.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
youthful enthusiasm but asleep in a reclinerRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I woke up six minutes before I had to leave for work and haven't had any coffee yet so I might be on the news laterRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I'm serious. Imagine Frosty the Snowman singing,"My, my, this here Anakin guy...May be Vader someday later now he's just a small fry."Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Who is RTing giant white space that says nothing? Who is Tweeting it? Fucking morons, the lot of you.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past. - Richard Bach ♥Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
'Weird Twitter' implies that there is a part of Twitter that isn't weird.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
No more Bon Jovi tweets or i will block you.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Tip: When taking a picture of your mirror to post online, try to angle the camera or you'll end up in the picture. I see this mistake a lot!Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Man calls 911:"I think my wife is dead". Operator: "How do you know?" Man: "The sex is about the same, but the laundry is piling up"Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Unfollowers bitch about twitter people on Facebook, I bet.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Save all your best Jazzercise moves for the dance floor.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
At what point do hipsters stop being hipsters because it's no longer ironic?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
All together and by the numbers. 1-click on a tweet. 2-click on Favorite. 3-click on Retweet, click Retweet. Very good. Now again 1-click...Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
If you're my friend. There's never a need to hurt me. I've always been broken. Just accept me & love me.. unconditionally.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
i kissd a prince he became frog 'das waat im talkin bout' say iRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
It's a good thing the Wright Brothers weren't mermaids. Mermaids fucking suck at flying.Retweeted by Dandi Doggifrom Harlan, IA
I wish "Where's your toy?! Go find your toy!" worked on people, too.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I wonder how many people actually take that absurd advice I and everyone else tweets out there…Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Sometimes it takes more strength to give up than to keep going.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
<---------Staunch advocate of a woman's right to breastfeed publicly.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Hey Corporate America: No one wants to "provide excellent customer interactions" stop making us say dumb shit.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I've been unfollowed by a Condescending Wonka. Ah well, at least there's another 12 still following.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I bet it's easier to be optimistic when good things happen to you sometimes.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I haven't seen any good drama around here lately. You guys seen any?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
You can tell a lot about a person by who they retweet.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
went out to organize a bit, there is a big cardboard box, overcome by whatever, i climbed in it, i understand box kitty, i understandRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Let's not tweet something offensive. People won't like that.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
The thing I hate most about retweeting & favoring is not being able to star & retweet EVERYONE. Retweet people. Lots of talent out there.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I have lots of secrets, Emma Stone. Lots of really deep dark ones.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Apparently women aren't crazy about unsolicited elbow pics eitherRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Billy Bragg on Thatcher
#poignant pic.twitter.com/5wyMc9VwAxRetweeted by Dandi DoggiView photo -
The best is when someone repeats back to me what I just said and my response is what the hell are you talking about?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Everyone at work found out that I'm not married when I questioned why one guy had to ask his wife if he could buy himself some shoes.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
About to take a bath. Get ready for tubtweets.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I wonder if cavemen were brave hunting saber-tooth tigers with only a stick, or if they just needed a break from their wife and kids.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I bet you guys really missed me starring all those convos between you and someone else but I'm back and totally snooping on you again.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Having a profession is the world's oldest form of prostitution.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I just read your bio and I don’t like your rules.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Sorry I've been so unavailable lately, I've been consumed with trying to create a more efficient way to drink milk.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Found an entire box of unopened popsicles in the chest freezer. Going to the park now to buy love.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I should have know better...stiletto's are not made for walking...they are made for fucking.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I like staring at people with big wide open eyes & asking "Is there something wrong?" when they turn around & look at me in the Subway line.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
invent me out of made up words sculpt me with invisible hands paint me outside the lines sing me into existence a miracle without a witnessRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I’m not sendin'sub tweets.I’m a misunderstood person,like Donald Trump.....The man just tryin'to fix a rockabilly haircut with the wrong wayRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Officially I’m single but I’m not a monk & I’m entering here only when I’m alone or when she sleepin' (first).I apologize for that frequencyRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
You know its getting bad when you start checking out the asses of the video game characters in the games you play. Damn!Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
My two-year twitter anniversary is coming up in a week or so. Anybody know how soon after that I can expect my parole hearing?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
You know that feeling, like you're about to be consumed by a giant spider..? No..? Just me then?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. - Kurt VonnegutRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Bib? The steamed clam's a squirter.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Just had that nightmare again where Gilbert Gottfried is next door banging Fran Drescher.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
My project on the drive home was trying to fit bam-a-lam into every song that came on the radio. Nights in white satin,bam-a-lam. And so on.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
What is it about lying that makes your pants so combustible?Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Mr. and Mrs. Explorer, we’re from social services. We are here to talk to you about Dora.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
My boss told me to dress for the job I want, not the job I have. Now I'm sitting in a disciplinary meeting in a Batman costume.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I love it when they delete the @ of our conversations & make me look like as if soliloquize (something which is not very far from the truth)Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
I just realized that this is basically having sex with our phones. Or with words. Whichever is less pathetic.Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
In life & work systems will fail that matters not its how u recover & move on that countsRetweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval." – Mark Twain ♥Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
~ To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. William M, Thackeray, ♌♥Retweeted by Dandi DoggiExpand
Labels: #ftwot, #gaf, #gsoav, #jsntf, #tbot, tweets, twitter
posted by Taranonymous Reads Not the Book of Tweet @ 4:21 PM
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